
Attendance & Health

Reporting an Absence If your child is unable to attend school or college due to illness, a medical appointment or for any other reason, please notify the school office by 8:40am. This can be done either by sending an email to or calling the School Office on 01707 328846. Term Time Absences Since September 2013, …

Parent Information

You are able to pay for: School milk / Early Morning Club / Trips and PTA events online using the School Gateway app.  Please click the link below to add to your phone or computer Good communication between home and school is important and we use the following ways to help this happen: Parent …

Remote Learning

The children now all have access to Home Learning either through Google Classroom (Yrs 3 – 6) and Tapestry (Nursery – Yr 2).  The children have all been assigned logins and passwords where applicable.  If you are having any problems accessing the home learning screens please contact the school office. Please also see the document …


Before School Early Morning Club is run by school staff and costs £1.50 per child, per day.  Payment must be made through SchoolGateway.  The minimum payment is currently £15.00 per child.  Payment should be made in advance of using the club.  We ask parents to estimate how many sessions they think they will use during …

School Meals & Milk Information

School Meals MENU – Winter 2024 / 2025 Images of the options on the menu can be found here: PRICES From 1st April 2024, the price of a school lunch is £3.30 per day, £16.50 per week. From 1st April 2025, the price of a school lunch will increase to £3.45 per day, £17.25 …


Uniform is now available to order from Smarty Schoolwear in Hatfield Jade green sweatshirts, cardigans and navy polo shirts  are available to order online or in the shop – these are logoed items. Items such as navy trousers, navy skirts, blue or green checked dresses can be purchased from local supermarkets at a reasonable …

Keeping Safe and eSafety

e safety letter 181018 online_safety_newsletter_parents The school works in partnership with parents to support children in every way possible.   The school also has a clear responsibility to ensure that it works together with other agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children.  As a result, if concerns are raised within the school, …


Minutes from PTA Meetings PTA minutes AGM 22-23  



Introduction The EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) came into force across the European Union on 25th May 2018.  This  introduced the most significant changes to data protection law in 20 years.  Based on privacy by design and taking a risk-based approach, the GDPR has been designed to meet the requirements of the digital age. …