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Year 4

Staff: Mrs Burt / Miss Gottlieb / Mrs Laggan

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Spanish is taught by Ms Fernandez on a Monday and Music is taught by Mr Mitchell on a Tuesday.

Welcome to Panshanger School and to our Year 4 class. On this page, we post photos every half term sharing updates on the activities and learning the children are completing. 

Spring 1

This term in Design Technology, Year Four are learning how to make a range of different mechanisms. So far we have learned how to design and make box mechanisms, v-fold mechanisms and bauble mechanisms. Next we will tackle the lever mechanism! The children will then use what they have learned to design and make a simple pop-up book for a Year One child. So far we have had lots of fun creating – these are some of the prototypes we have made so far…

Autumn 1

In History, Year four were learning about how ancient Egyptians mummified their dead! We used a life-sized doll to practice the different stages such as removing the organs, placing amulets on the body for good luck and wrapping it up with linen strips. It was lots of fun!

In this unit the children have also enjoyed learning about the pyramids, the main Egyptian Gods and Howard Carter’s discovery of the tomb of King Tutankhamun. We also explore how the ancient Egyptians used the river Nile which linked closely with our Geography work on the Desert environment too!