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Assessment and Test Results


This table shows the percentage of Year 6 pupils achieving the expected standard in 2024, compared to the national figure for end of Key Stage 2 Test Results (this figure is provisional at the present time). 

The number of children in the cohort = 30

  Pupils who met the expected standard

Children achieving high level of attainment (GDS)


  School National
Reading 80% 74% 37%
Writing * 87% 72% 7%
Maths 83% 73% 20%
GPS 83% 72% 30%
R/W/M 73% 61%  13%


This table shows the percentage of Year 6 pupils achieving the expected standard in 2023, compared to the national figure for end of Key Stage 2 Test Results (this figure is provisional at the present time). 

The number of children in the cohort = 28

  Pupils who met the expected standard

Children achieving high level of attainment (GDS)


  School National
Reading 68% 73% 32%
Writing * 64% 71% 7%
Maths 71% 73% 21%
GPS 71% 72% 28%
R/W/M 59% 60%  7%

Writing * is Teacher Assessment judged against the National Curriculum end of Key Stage requirements

GPS – Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

R/W/M – Reading, Writing and Maths combined